Current status with canine lymphoma: Diagnostics and prognosis
Lymphoma is one of the most common tumors of dogs and cats, representing 7-24% of all dog tumors.
Challenges in diagnosing lymphoid neoplasia
Distinguishing polyclonality from monoclonality is key when determining whether a lymphoid population is reactive or neoplastic.
Chemotherapy for solid tumors: What is the evidence?
End-tidal carbon dioxide monitoring (ETCO2) has clinical uses far beyond solely determining hypo- or hyperventilation.
Canine lymphoma
Lymphoma is one of the most commonly encountered canine cancers, and it is seen frequently in clinical practice. Lymphoma arises from neoplastic lymphocytes. Typically it is first recognized in lymphoid organs (lymph nodes, liver, spleen, bone marrow); however, it can be seen in any location in the body.