Sudden Acquired Retinal Degeneration Syndrome (SARDS)

Compassion fatigue is a complex phenomenon that can be prevented in most cases.

Tear film deficiencies: Quality vs. quantity

Qualitative tear film deficiencies refer to deficiencies in the stability of the tear film, caused by a deficiency in the lipid and/or mucin layer.

Scratching the surface: Management of corneal ulcers in the ER

Corneal ulcers are commonly encountered in the ER, thus adopting a routine approach to the management of ulcers is beneficial, particularly when considering the fast pace and variable caseload of many veterinary ERs.

Corneal ulceration in dogs and cats: Diagnosis and treatment

Corneal ulceration is one of the most common ophthalmic problems seen in our canine and feline patients. This post covers the causes and diagnosis of corneal ulceration in dogs and cat, as well as medical and surgical treatment.

Practical ophthalmic drug use

Ophthalmic drugs can be confusing, (and difficult to spell!), in terms of their use and when to use which one. The goal of this article is to make practical recommendations for a selection of ophthalmic drugs used for common conditions.

Diagnosis and treatment of keratoconjunctivitis sicca

Keratoconjunctivitis sicca (KCS; “dry eye”) is one of the most common ophthalmic diseases affecting pet dogs. Despite its prevalence, it is underdiagnosed and therefore often not treated. My goal in writing this article is to encourage veterinarians to perform a Schirmer tear test regularly as part of a complete ophthalmic examination. Once a diagnosis of dry eye is established, treatment can be tailored to the individual patient’s needs.

Corneal transplants

Nicholas Cassotis, DVM, DACVO Port City Veterinary Referral…

Diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma

Ruth Marrion, DVM, PhD, DACVO Bulger Veterinary Hospital, North…

Conjunctival cytology: A great diagnostic tool you’re probably not using!

Conjunctivitis means inflammation of the conjunctiva; a diagnosis of conjunctivitis does not help with a treatment plan. But if we can diagnose the cause of conjunctival inflammation, we are well on the way to a potential treatment.

Lids, the Prequel

Eyelid diseases are very common in dogs, affect the function and health of the eye, and are the first line of defense! Eyelid disease are less common in cats, but are more serious.